Health & Education for Less Privileged

Our Projects

Local Projects

HELP Association supports local charity projects such as Food Bank, Human Society and Ups and Downs (Down Syndrome).

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Shree Prajapati Education Foundation (SPEF)

SPEF wants to ensure that each and every Prajapati boy and girl obtains the best education. SPEF wants to create a roadmap for children to become informed and valuable citizens of the world.

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Muni Seva Ashram

Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations, this is the axiom that we at Muni Seva Ashram strongly believe in. Our journey is full of such difficult roads that have today moulded us into an institution dedicated to serving humanity and enriching lives with the best possible means.

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Old Kampala School

To ensure that no student of Old Kampala Senior Secondary School is deprived of education because of his or her inability to pay school fees.

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Samata Pratishthan school for hearing impaired

The events of social and political transformation created need of constructive movement for the uplifting the socio-economically backward people in the rural area of the yeola taluka. The transformation movement has to be constructive and not only a resistant fight.

H.E.L.P. Vision

Sustainable economic and social development of the less fortunate, leading to independence from external assistance.

Our Mission

  • Create long term partnership of Canadian donors and hardworking, selfless, grassroots social workers to build the future and respond promptly to emergencies.
  • Enhance the value of donations by carefully selecting partners and effectively managing development projects.
  • Promote balance between development and environment.